Friday, 28 November 2008

Following you

Following you, originally uploaded by Deepa.Praveen.

You were walking straight
with out looking at those fallen leaves ,
Autum seems neglected,
So as me.
Dreams had gone to bring back
the unrealized hope
It seems you were chasing them
So as me.
Wind whispers scantly
wiped the drop of water
from my eye lids
Green grass tiered with chill
looked like encountering with an old sin
I was looking down
Then felt the heart beats of some one
above my heart
We walked straight
Without looking at those fallen leave
Because we have a life ahead
To fight and find our soul
To hope and dream..
And love and love again..
Let the winter leaves fall behind us
Let the seasons set behind us
Lets walk to our dreams

1 comment:

Madhur said...

u have a picturesque way of writing . i am sure u think a lotttt , not from ur head though ,but your heart ...........


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